1. 籾山陽子「初期近代英語期の声楽作品による当時の発音の推定」(近代英語協会『近代英語研究』第28号)
2. 籾山陽子「楽譜中の英語発音推定入門—楽譜の中の英語発音を探る—」(大阪大谷大学英文学会『大阪大谷大学英語英文学研究』第40号)
3. 平郡秀信「大母音推移」(2012, 一誠社)
4. 藤原保明「英語の母音の発音と表記の対応について」(聖徳大学大学院言語文化学会『言語文化研究』第11号)
5. 小野浩司「日本人英語—英語発音の実態とその矯正法—」(佐賀大学『佐賀大学文化教育学部研究論文集』第17集)
6. 柴田知薫子「イギリス英語の現状と英語教育の方向性」(群馬大学『群馬大学教育学部紀要(人文・社会科学編)』第62巻)
7. Munehiko Miyata, "Age and Length of Exposure to English and L1 Japanese Speakers' Ability to Discriminate between the Spoken English /l/ and /r/ Phonemes"(茨城大学『人文コミュニケーション学科論集』第14号)
8. 野上文子「複合語強勢についての調査と考察—辞書とアンケートによる検証—」(明海大学『Journal of Hospitality and Tourism』 Vol. 8)
9. 桑本裕二「英語における頭子音結合の序列と聞こえ度階層の相関について」(日本言語学会『日本言語学会第145回大会予稿集』2012)
10. Shuichi Amano, "Stress Typicality Effects in Spoken Word Recognition by Japanese Learners of English: Evidence from an Onset-Gating Task"(日本音声学会『音声研究』第16巻第3号)
11. Ken-ichi Kadooka, "An Acoustic Analysis of English Monologue- and Dialogue-type Jokes"(龍谷大学龍谷紀要編集会『龍谷紀要』第34巻)
12. Aya Kitagawa, "How Japanese Learners Learn to Produce Authentic English Vowels"(早稲田大学大学院『教育学研究科紀要』別冊第20号)
13. 八亀五三男「流音 l について」(名古屋学院大学総合研究所『名古屋学院大学論集言語・文化篇』第24巻)
14. Kaoru Tomita, "Phonetic and phonological petit shifts"(山形大学『山形大学紀要(人文科学)』第17巻)
15. 熊田和典「17世紀の音声学者による鼻子音の分類と記述」(埼玉学園大学『埼玉学園大学紀要人間学部篇』第12号)
16. Shinji Sato, "Auditory analysis of pre-pausal and pre-consonantal /l/ in the rhymes of British popular songs"(駒沢大学文学部英米文学科『英米文学』第47号)
17. 森基雄「重複動詞とその古英語における発達」(奈良産業大学『奈良産業大学地域公共学総合研究所年報』第3集)
18. 内田政一「英語におけるオノマトペとその表現形式に関する考察」(名古屋短期大学『研究紀要』第51号)
19. 田中邦佳・川﨑貴子・鈴木大河「外来語アクセントパターンのL2転移」(法政大学英文学会『英文學誌』第55号)
20. 佐藤努「世界の言語における長短母音の分布について」(明治学院大学文学会『明治学院大学英米文学・英語学論叢』第128号)
21. 遠山道子「日本人英語学習者のピッチ使用域の改善について—シャドーイング訓練の効果を探る—」(上智大学言語教育研究センター『Lingua』No. 23)
22. 森田繁春「E. E. カミングスの声を読む(9)—コンピュータによる肉声テープの解析—」(大阪教育大学『大阪教育大学紀要第I部門(人文科学)・第II部門(社会科学・生活科学)』第61巻)
23. 三輪伸春「E. サピア『言語』(1921)の言語史原理(前篇)—「第9章 言語はどのように相互影響しあうか」解読—」(鹿児島大学大学院人文社会科学研究科(博士後期課程)地域政策科学専攻『地域政策科学研究』第10号)
24. Kazuo Morishima, "The Development of the Vowel System in Early Modern English: With Special Reference to the Pronunciation of Tyndale and Shakespere (3)"(京都外国語大学英米語学科研究会『Studies in English Linguistics & Literature』第29号)
25. 古庄信「Macbethにおける言葉の魅力について—韻律と修辞法の観点から」(学習院女子大学『学習院女子大学紀要』第15号)
26. John D. Phillips, "Automatic conversion between historical spelling, modern spelling, and IPA for Welsh"(山口大学『文學會志』第六十三巻)
27. 妹尾小夜子「英語の接尾辞付加について—-ativeと-iveに焦点をあてて—」(広島女学院大学英文学会『英文学会々報』No. 56)
28. Takeshi Nozawa and Sang Yee Cheon, "The Identification of Nasals in a Coda Position by Native Speakers of American English, Korean and Japanese"(日本音声学会『音声研究』第16巻第2号)
29. Sha Liu, "The Role of the 'Basic Variant' in Subsidiary Stress Assignment for Words with Variant Stress Patterns"(日本言語学会『日本言語学会第145回大会予稿集』2012)
30. Eiji Yamada, "Main Stress Assignment in English Words"(日本英語学会『JELS』30)
1. 服部範子『入門英語音声学』 2012. 研究社.
2. 西原哲雄・都築正喜・三浦弘(編)『現代音声学・音韻論の視点』 2012. 金星堂.
3. 服部義弘(編)『音声学』2012. 朝倉書店.
4. 杉藤美代子『日本語のアクセント,英語のアクセント』2012. ひつじ書房.
1. Márton Sóskuthy, "Analogy in the emergence of intrusive-r in English" (English Language and Linguistics 17)
2. William Labov, Ingrid Rosenfelder, and Josef Fruehwald, "One Hundred Years of Sound Change in Philadelphia: Linear Incrementation, Reversal, and Reanalysis" (Language 89)
3. Emanuela Buizza and Leendert Plug, "Lenition, fortition and the status of plosive affrication: the case of spontaneous RP English /t/" (Phonology 29)
4. Bruce Hayes and James White, "Phonological Naturalness and Phonotactic Learning" (Linguistic Inquiry 44)
5. Christine Mooshammer, et al., "Bridging planning and execution: Temporal planning of syllables" (Journal of Phonetics 40)
6. Jonah Katz, "Compression effects in English" (Journal of Phonetics 40)
7. Snezhina Dimitrova and Alice Turk, "Patterns of accentual lengthening in English four-syllable words" (Journal of Phonetics 40)
8. Jelena Krivokapić and Dani Byrd, "Prosodic boundary strength: An articulatory and perceptual study" (Journal of Phonetics 40)
9. Rachel Smith, Rachel Baker, and Sarah Hawkins, "Phonetic detail that distinguishes prefixed from pseudo-prefixed words" (Journal of Phonetics 40)
10. Tuuli Morrill, "Acoustic Correlates of Stress in English Adjective-Noun Compounds" (Language and Speech 55)
11. Debora S. Herold, Lynne C. Nygaard, and Laura L. Namy, "Say It Like You Mean It: Mothers' Use of Prosody to Convey Word Meaning" (Language and Speech 55)
12. Stewart M. McCauley, Arild Hestvik, and Irene Vogel, "Perception and Bias in the Processing of Compound versus Phrasal Stress: Evidence from Event-related Brain Potentials" (Language and Speech 56)
13. Brett Hyde, "Alignment constraints" (Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 30)
14. Benjamin J. Molineaux, "Prosodically conditioned morphological change: preservation vs loss in Early English prefixes" (English Language and Linguistics 16)
15. Vsevolod Kapatsinski, "Conspiring to mean: Experimental and computational evidence for a usage-based harmonic approach to morphophonology" (Language 89)
16. Hanyong Park, "Detecting foreign accent in monosyllables: The role of L1 phonotactics" (Journal of Phonetics 41)
17. Molly Babel and Dasha Bulatov, "The Role of Fundamental Frequency in Phonetic Accommodation" (Language and Speech 55)
18. Shira Katseff, et al., "Partial Compensation for Altered Auditory Feedback: A Tradeoff with Somatosensory Feedback?" (Language and Speech 55)
19. Warren Maguire, "Pre-R Dentalisation in northern England" (English Language and Linguistics 16)
20. Erik Schieef and Michael Ramsammy, "Labiodental fronting of /θ/ in London and Edinburgh: a cross-dialectal study" (English Language and Linguistics 17)
21. Nicole Dehé and Bettina Braun, "The prosody of question tags in English" (English Language and Linguistics 17)
22. Michael Becker, et al., "Asymmetries in generalizing alternations to and from initial syllables" (Langauage 88)
23. Jennifer Hay and Margaret Maclagan, "/r/-sandhi in early 20th century New Zealand English" (Linguistics 50)
24. Brett Hyde, "The odd-parity input problem in metrical stress theory" (Phonology 29)
25. Felicitas Kleber, et al., "The Relationship between the Perception and Production of Coarticulation during a Sound Change in Progress" (Language and Speech 55)
26. Richard Ogden, "Making Sense of Outliers" (Phonetica 69)
27. Jason Lilley, "The characterization of phonetic variation in American English schwa using hidden Markov models," University of Delaware doctoral dissertation, 2012.
28. Chin-Wan Chung, "Dissimilation in English: An Optimality Theoretic Analysis" (Phonological Studies 16)
29. Kaori Idemaru, "Beer or Pier? Online Tuning of Phonetic Categories in Perception" (Phonological Studies 16)
1. Ernst-August Müller, Standard Vowel Systems of English, German, and Dutch: Variation in Norm. 2012. Peter Lang.
2. Steve Parker (ed.), The Sonority Controversy. 2012. De Gruyter Mouton.
3. Martin Krämer, Underlying Representations. 2012. Cambridge UP.
4. Toni Borowsky, et al. (eds.), Prosody Matters: Essays in Honor of Elisabeth Selkirk. 2012. Equinox.
5. Gerard O’Grady, Key Concepts in Phonetics and Phonology. 2013. Palgrave Macmillan.
6. Bryan Gick, et al., Articulatory Phonetics. 2013. Wiley-Blackwell.
7. Elizabeth C. Zsiga, The Sounds of Language: An Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology. 2013. Wiley-Blackwell.
8. Iris Berent, The Phonological Mind. 2013. Cambridge UP.
9. Alene Moyer, Foreign Accent: The Phenomenon of Non-native Speech. 2013. Cambridge UP.
10. Bert Botma and Roland Noske (eds.), Phonological Explorations: Empirical, Theoretical and Diachronic Issues. 2012. De Gruyter.
11. Oliver Niebuhr (ed.), Understanding Prosody: The Role of Context, Function and Communication. 2012. De Gruyter.
12. Gorka Elordieta and Pilar Prieto (eds.), Prosody and Meaning. 2012. De Gruyter.
13. Alan C. L. Yu (ed.), Origins of Sound Change: Approaches to Phonologization. 2013. Oxford UP.
14. Eric Baković, Blocking and Complementarity in Phonological Theory. 2013. Equinox.
15. Daniel Silverman, Neutralization. 2012. Cambridge UP.
16. Maria-Solé and Daniel Recasens (eds.), The Initiation of Sound Change: Perception, Production, and Social Factors. 2012. John Benjamins.
17. Tyler Kendall, Speech Rate, Pause, and Sociolinguistic Variation: Studies in Corpus Sociophonetics. 2013. Palgrave Macmillan.
18. Elisabeth Reber, Affectivity in Interaction: Sound Objects in English. 2012. John Benjamins.
19. Tanja Angelovska, Second Language Pronunciation: Attainment and Assessment. 2012. Peter Lang.
20. Jochen Trommer (ed.), The Morphology and Phonology of Exponence. 2012. Oxford UP.
21. Pia Bergmann, et al. (eds.), Prosody and Embodiment in Interactional Grammar. 2012. De Gruyter.
22. Nicole Müller and Martin J. Ball (eds.), Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics: A Practical Guide. 2012. Wiley-Blackwell.
23. Ewa Waniek-Klimczak and Linda R. Shockey (eds.), Teaching and Researching English Accents in Native and Non-native Speakers. 2012. Springer.
24. Philip Hoole, et al. (eds.), Consonant Clusters and Structural Complexity. 2012. De Gruyter Mouton.
25. Benedicte Nielsen Whitehead, et al. (eds.), The Sound of Indo-European: Phonetics, Phonemics and Morphophonemics. 2012. Museum Tusculanum Press, University of Copenhagen.
26. Nicholas Zair, The Reflexes of the Proto-Indo-European Laryngeals in Celtic. 2012. Brill.
27. Martin Findell, Phonological Evidence from the Continental Runic Inscriptions. 2012. De Gruyter.